Elderberry Tincture


Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) is native to Europe but grows throughout the Western World as well as Asia and parts of Africa.

Our tincture is extracted with organic cane alcohol which is then boiled off (as much as possible while retaining potency) and then organic glycerin is added.

Most tinctures on the market are extracted by non-organic grain based alcohol (many from GMO corn ethanol). While Supreme Nutrition Products has never done a tincture before, the demand for a few antimicrobials for small children has made us decide to make this. The product obviously can also be used for adults.

Elderberry has many active components including quercetin and other flavonoids including anthocyanins and rutin, as well as vitamins A and C etc (1). Elderberry
is most well-known for its antiviral activity. Studies in Israel have shown that is can deactivate certain spike proteins making the virus unable to enter cells. This has made it effective again different strains of influenza, herpes, and HIV (2, 3, 4). Because of its mechanism of action, it should be efficacious against most strains of in- fluenza. In one double blinded, placebo controlled study, those who took elderberry within the first 48 hours of having influenza like symptoms recovered on average 4 days earlier vs those given a placebo (4). It has also shown effective against most upper respiratory infections (5). Many people also use it prophylactically as a preventative against many viruses. Studies have shown using it before and after airplane travel helped reduce the severity of cold like symptoms as well as the average cold duration by 2 days (6).

Elderberry also has significant anti-oxidant activity, especially in preventing damage to the circulatory system from reactive oxygen species (7). It also may be helpful in preventing osteoporosis (8).

Folk medicine uses of elderberry include for conditions such as diabetes, constipation, sore throat, sciatica, eczema, and measles. It also acts as a blood cleanser, spring tonic, anti-inflammatory, and immune stimulant (9, 10). While working as an immune stimulant, there is no evidence of it overstimulating the immune system (11).

Dosage: 10-30 drops 3 times daily depending on weight.

There are no known contraindications. 


1. Duke JA. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1985:423.
2. Zakay-Rones Z, Varsano N, Zlotnik M, et al. Inhibition of several strains of influenza virus in
vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra L.) during an
outbreak of influenza B Panama. J Altern Complement Med 1995;1:361-369.
3. Zakay-Rones Z, Thom E, Wollan T, Wadstein J. Randomized study of the efficacy and safety
of oral elderberry extract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infections. J Int Med Res
2004;32:132- 140.
4. Sahpira-Nahor O, Zakay-Rones Z, Mumcuoglu M. The effects of Sambucol® on HIV
infection in vitro. Ann Israel Congress Microbiol February 6-7, 1994

5. Hawkins J, Baker C, Cherry L, Dunne E. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation
effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical
trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Feb;42:361-365. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.12.004. Epub
2018 Dec 18. PMID: 30670267.
6. Tiralongo, Evelin et al. “Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms
in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical
Trial.” Nutrients vol. 8,4 182. 24 Mar. 2016, doi:10.3390/nu8040182
7. Youdim KA, Martin A, Joseph JA. Incorporation of the elderberry anthocyanins by
endothelial cells increases protection against oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med 2000;29:51-
8. Y. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Y. Wan, et al., “Study of the mechanisms by which Sambucus williamsii
HANCE extract exert protective effects against ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in vivo,”
Osteoporosis International 22(2) (2011): 703–09. [FC]
9. Atkinson M. Herbs for Your Health. New York, NY: Dalesman Books; 1979.
10. Bergner, Paul. “Sambucus: Elderberry,” Medical Herbalism: Materia Medica and
Pharmacy, 2001
11., Wieland, L Susan et al. “Elderberry for prevention and treatment of viral respiratory
illnesses: a systematic review.” BMC complementary medicine and therapies vol. 21,1 112. 7
Apr. 2021, doi:10.1186/s12906-021-03283-5